Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm interviewed by Shel Holtz from FIR

Turn on your speakers or plug-in your headphones because it's podcast time. Linda Johannesson and I were interviewed by Shel Holtz about our upcoming Unconference, hosted at the IABC World Conference in Toronto. Shel used his persuasive skills to uncover the making of our unconference and what you can expect from it. Listen and be prepared. There's actually a full blog article attached to the podcast to read if you're inclined.

Not coming to the IABC conference or not a communicator? Why not give the interview a try and you might just learn something new. Or at least enjoy my ramblings and know that I'm sitting in a friend's office/baby room sipping a glass of wine. (That's the beauty of Skype interviews. You can be anywhere and do anything!)

Many thanks to Shel and For Immediate Release (FIR) for the opportunity to share our stories!

Podcast download:   MP3   iTunes

Blog article and podcast>>

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